September 20, 2024

When You're Feeling Alone - A poem from Feeling Poetic, A Book of Poetry


A poem of encouragement from Feeling Poetic, A Book of Poetry

When You're Feeling Alone

When you’re feeling alone
and a friendly smile is nowhere around,
Your hope has faded
and a sign of affection cannot be found.

You have search endlessly
for someone to make you feel whole,
Your life has become empty,
isolated, and cold.

You turn to the Lord,
and pray with all your might,
You pray until your soul bleeds,
pleading with the Lord all night.

Though you know He hears, He cares,
and He is going to work it out,
Will that day ever come;
in your heart you still doubt.

Because His voice was not heard,
His face you did not see,
You long for the assurement
that what was said will be.

But if you imagine the sky so blue,
no eyes its color exist,
The wind blowing the clouds against your face,
leaving a gentle mist.

A chair formed from the clouds
and there the Lord will be,
Seated and waiting anxiously
to hear your plea.

You kneel down before Him crying,
“Lord, what shall I do?”
“Nothing,” He calmly says,
“I’ve already worked it out for you.”

So you lay your head on His lap,
as He caresses your pain,
The world is far away,
and you are free from its strains.

A peacefulness surges through your soul,
and you are whole once again;
There in the comforting arms of the Lord,
your only true friend.

So you leave this peaceful place
and return to the battle that awaits you,
Knowing you do not fight alone,
His protective hand is always on you.

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